Mass Democratic Party

The Massachusetts Democratic Party, located on the Third Floor of 129 Portland Street in the North End of Boston, remains an integral charter member of the Democratic National Committee. Our congressional delegation continues to serve as a powerful force in the US House of Representatives and the Senate, with such esteemed leaders as Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Senator John Kerry paving the way for reform. Our party leaders have consistently been at the forefront of such issues as health care reform, gun control, education reform, student aid, environmental protection, civil rights, increased safety in the workplace, job training, Social Security, and Medicare. No other delegation has compiled such a solid voting record in favor of hard-working families.

Over the next few months, the MDP will be investing its time and effort into Coordinated Campaign 2000. This major campaign effort will take place statewide and involve thousands of individuals. The purpose of this initiative will be to outlay a grassroots effort to ensure that the Democratic Party can continue to fight for the issues that matter most to the citizens of Massachusetts. All Democratic campaign activities will be coordinated through the MDP headquarters, from the Presidential nominee to local state officials.

If you wish to take part in a fast-paced, energetic campaigning environment and experience the election process first-hand, now is the time to get involved. The MDP will be looking for volunteers and interns to lay the groundwork for the Coordinated Campaign.

Please contact the Massachusetts Democratic Party Headquarters at (617) 742-6770 to let them know that you would be interested in bringing the Democratic Party to victory on Election Day.

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