
We are fortunate to live in a time unprecedented in the history of our nation. Our ever-expanding global market has provided us with a period of continued economic growth and expansion. We have seen our country emerge as a leader of free trade and reform. Crime indexes and unemployment rates remain at an all-time low.

Yet, even as we celebrate our accomplishments and applaud the progress we have made as a society, there are many obstacles left to overcome. Many hard-working American families have been left out of the prosperity. Millions of Americans are still struggling to rise above the poverty line, still more lack adequate health coverage, environmental preservation remains a major hurdle, and the safety and educational priorities of our neighborhood schools has been a concern of parents nationwide. The solvency of Social Security and prescription drug coverage for senior citizens remain daunting tasks.

As we embark on the dawn of a new millennium, we must use this window of opportunity to ensure that our children live in a strong, democratic society where all individuals have the ability to pursue their dreams and aspirations without the difficult burdens faced by previous generations.

The College Democrats of Massachusetts is an officially sanctioned student arm of the Democratic National Committee. Comprised of chapters statewide, CDM is dedicated to the principles set forth in the Democratic Party Charter.

Our organization strongly defends the ideals of liberty and equality regardless of gender, class, ethnic origin, religious persuasion, or sexual orientation. We are dedicated to the advancement of strong, progressive policy through active participation in the electoral process. Our goal is to educate the public on the Party's platform through grassroots initiatives and community forums. Our charter members are a continual source of volunteers, energy, and support for Democratic candidates and office-holders. Through networking initiatives conducted with state leaders, we strive to give members first-hand experience of the legislative process and instill the values of pubic service. As leaders of the future, we shall strive to improve our communities and encourage a sense of unity.

Our ultimate goal lies in shaping young individuals into informed voters, activists, and aspiring candidates for elected office. The future is ours to pursue. It is time that we take the initiative and let our voices be heard. Only then can we hope to make a difference in our society.

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To lend your support to the College Democrats of Massachusetts and receive information on how you can become more involved, please take the time to subscribe to our e-mail lists. For more information on how you can organize an official College Democrats chapter at your college or university, please contact CDM at cdmofficial-owner@egroups.com.

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